Wednesday, May 25, 2005

From the Missionary Joke Book.

Missionary: Knock, knock.
Maylong: Who's there?
Missionary: God.
Maylong: God who?
Missionary: God, you stupid animist.

I never enjoy gigs in East Africa, but my last mission to Tanzania was especially miserable. In addition to all the problems normally associated with the country--notable absence of adequate plumbing, electricity, roads, and Perrier--I spent nearly an entire year in bed with what, at the time, I assumed was a severe case of sleeping sickness. Later, I realized it wasn't sleeping sickness at all--Tanzania is B-O-R-I-N-G Boring!

Many wise people believe that the world would be a gentler and more peaceful place for our children and our children's children if only each and every one of us would learn to tolerate, respect and celebrate faiths unlike our own. To those wise people, I say: "Go fuck yourselves!"

How many Maylong does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Lightbulb? The Maylong don't even have electricity!

The Maylong are such a simple people. Get this--they won't let us take pictures of them. Wanna know why? You're gonna think I'm making this up...Okay, check this out: They actually believe that our cameras possess the power to steal their souls! Can you imagine? In this day and age? I mean, if the Maylong had even the most basic understanding of what it says about heathen in the Bible, they'd know that somewhere deep below the Earth's surface, there dwells a big scary red man with horns and a pitchfork who has already stolen their souls.

What do you get when you cross a Maylong with a barber?
A barber who's going to Hell...unless he begins his walk with the children of Christ.